  • Working Days

    9AM - 9PM

  • Saturday

    10AM - 8PM

  • Sunday


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Partner Links

Cesta Inspirace: https://www.cestainspirace.cz/en/

Christian Bollmann: https://www.lichthaus-musik.de/

Dalibor Neuwirt – http://daliborneuwirt.wix.com/didgeridoo

Dhwani W. Zapp – http://www.dhwani.eu  http://www.oilios-music.de/ 

Harshil Filippo Chiostri – http://www.drumcirclespirit.it

Institut Bewusster leben und lieben – http://www.bewusster-lieben.de/

Lua Luz –  www.ritualtanz.ch

Mikael Khei – http://www.maguti.com/

Maok – http://maok.net/

Milarepa – http://www.oneskymusic.com/milarepa/

Nirava Dainotto – http://www.nirava.org/

Nirava Flowingfeet Petra Cegla – http://core-movement.com

Oslava Zivota – https://oslavazivota.cz/

Paolo Borghi – http://www.paoloborghi.it/

Prem Joshua & Band – http://premjoshua.com/

Shakya M. Grahe – shakya.ch/de/#home

Vojta Violinist: https://vojtaviolinist.com/

Virat Giuglio Larovere – http://www.giuliolarovere.com/


Other links:

Here you find some other useful links like dance therapists, seminar houses, drum manufacturers, music, etc.

CD-Baby – http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/rishiharshil and http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/rishivlote

You can download our songs and albums as mp3 and even as flac. And also the physical albums in the US

Podere Amarti – www.podereamarti.it  Harshils beautiful seminar center in Tuscany, Italy

Silenzio Music – www.silenzio.de – This is the page of our distributer for Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Deva Leela Alessandra Klimciuk – www.linkedin.com/alessandra-klimciuk


Marie Korcakova – https://energetik-beratung.at/

Ruth Ragna Axen – https://hier-in-mir.de


Soulevents – www.soulevents.info – Amira Julias Eventagentur

Music Mosaic – www.music-mosaic.com – A great world music site which also sells some of my/our music

David Roman Drums – www.davidromandrums.com – Some of the finest framedrums you can find, with the amazing pneumatic tuning system!!!

BUTIBA – http://www.butiba.lv/en/ Butiba are organizing various seminars and festivals in Latvia

Eva Deva Shakti – https://www.facebook.com/samanskacesta?pnref=lhc Eva is offering shamanic events and workshops, trancedance and women groups in Czech Republic

Reise zur Ganzheit – www.reise-zur-ganzheit.de – Ute Havemanns bietet Seminare und Therapie in KielOtoons – www.otoons.com – Devakrishnas funny and thoughtful Osho comics and cartoons

Devakrishna Marco Giollo – www.giollo.com – Here is Devakrishnas page with his wonderfully inspired painting art

Angela Nordmann – http://www.angela-nordmann.de/ – Angela is facilitating 5Rhythms and other dance- and dance-therapy events and workshops in and around Kiel

Britta Weitbrecht – http://www.bewegt-im-leben.de  Britta is facilitating various dance classes and events in the area of Deggendorf, Straubing

Christine Honikel – https://www.frei-tanzen.de/ Christine offers various dance- and psycho- therapy classes and personal coaching